
How to setup suggestions:

If you want to use Arctic suggestions, you need to edit some settings first! First, you need to use this command to set the channel where suggestions will be sent:

a?setchannel suggestions <#channel>

Remember to replace <#channel> with the channel where you want suggestions sent!

That's it! As long as there are no errors, you've successfully setup Arctic suggestions!

How to send a suggestion:

To send a suggestion, use this command:

a?suggest <suggestion>

Remember to replace <suggestion> with the suggestion you want to send!

Extra features!

1. Arctic suggestions have an option called 3-emoji-suggestions. If 3-emoji-suggestions are enabled, Arctic will react to suggestion messages with ✅, 🤷 and ❌ instead of ✅ and ❌. To enable this feature, use this command:

a?enable 3-emoji-suggestions

If you want to disable it, use this command:

a?disable 3-emoji-suggestions

2. Another command that Arctic suggestions have is a?suggestion. This command allows members with the Manage Messages permissions to accept or deny a suggestion! This is how you use the command:

a?suggestion <message ID of suggestion> <accept/deny> [response]


<message ID of suggestion> needs to be replaced with the actual message ID of the suggestion you want to modify. You need developer mode on to get the message ID. Learn how to enable it here:

<accept/deny> needs to be replaced with the word accept or deny. This will tell Arctic what you want to do with the suggestion!

[response] needs to be replaced with the response to the suggestion. (This part is optional)

Last updated